How to Elevate Your Personal Style in 2023

Hello Fashion Enthusiasts,

Let's dive into the exciting world of your style transformation!

A - Are you excited to love your personal wardrobe style and enjoy putting together an outfit?

B - Be true to you. Think about what makes you happy and ask yourself if there is a way to elevate your current wardrobe and stay true to your unique style?

C - Create a wardrobe that you love. Start with the basic essential pieces and build from there. Think about what staples you are missing. A white t-shirt? A black t-shirt? Great-fitting dark jeans, black pants, the pieces that you need to wear every day.

D - Don't be who you're not. If you don't feel comfortable in a style or trend, pass on it. Don’t let mannequins or Instagram convince you that it’s right for you.

E - Embrace change. Take baby steps by adding a new color or style to your wardrobe.

F - Find your colors. Is silver or gold better for your skin tone? Do you look better in warm (yellow base) or cool (blue base) colors?

G - Grab a few new stylish accessories. It’s the perfect way to up-level your look and add personality to your style. Opt for a pair of statement earrings like these Julie Vos Havana Statement Earrings. They work perfectly from day to dinner with any outfit.

H - Hire a professional stylist! A personal stylist has your best interest at heart and will save you time and money in the long run by helping you learn what to buy and why.

I - Invest in quality over quantity. You can never go wrong with good-quality pants, jackets, and shoes. You will get your money’s worth in the long run.

J - Joy comes from loving how you look on the outside and feeling confident on the inside.

K - Kill the impulse purchases; they rarely work in the end. Buy pieces that you know will fit well with your existing wardrobe. Pricey impulse pieces most often sit in the closet after being worn once.

L - Less is more. Coco Chanel said, "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take off one thing." Understatement speaks volumes.

M - Mix and match your wardrobe. Don't be fearful; try to stay away from the everyday go-tos. Have fun trying out new outfits.

N - Navy Blue is a great color choice when you want to wear less black. It's softer and more flattering to most skin tones.

O - Organize your closet. Before you go shopping and add to your wardrobe, you must be aware of and clarify what you need.

P - Plan your shopping wisely. Pick your priorities and shop with a plan and a budget.

Q - Quality over quantity. Invest in higher-quality pieces that will last for years to come.

R - Radiate confidence. Wear what you love and love what you wear. Nothing beats feeling confident, happy, and beautiful.

S - Stylish Sneakers. Be stylish, comfortable, and on-trend with sneakers like these Cole Haan GrandPro Topspin Sneakers.

T - Trust your gut. When in doubt, leave it out.

U - Understand every day does not need to be a fashion show. If you like how you look and feel when put together, go with it.

V - Value your investment of time and money.

W - Welcome your willingness to step out of the same wardrobe box you have been in. Embrace newness and discard frumpiness.

X - X out anything that you no longer wear. Don't be afraid to get rid of clothing that makes you feel less than your best.

Y - Yes, be open to the possibility of new styles, colors, and prints.

Z - Zest is key. Imagine a wardrobe that you love and feel great in. Eliminate the stress of getting dressed.

Let this A-Z guide be your compass on your style journey. Embrace the excitement of revitalizing your wardrobe, and congratulate yourself on your willingness to make changes.

If you are interested in having a style consultation or would like help with organizing your closet, let’s talk.


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