Discovering Your Amazing Personal Style

Personal Styling isn’t just about the clothes you wear! It is about tapping into your inner sense of style, appreciating your busy lifestyle, and feeling comfortable and confident in your look. Elevate your presence through your wardrobe so that it reflects the authentic you and how you want to be perceived in the workplace and in everyday life.

Every woman deserves to feel confident and uplifted, supported by a stylish, comfortable wardrobe so that she moves through life as her fully empowered self.

In this program, you will:

  • Understand the value, importance, and benefits of discovering your own amazing style.

  • Learn what colors and styles suit you best.

  • Dress with purpose and intention for all occasions.

  • Identify the key details regarding each newly curated outfit.

  • Create five exciting, new, and comfortable outfits, including tops, bottoms, accessories, handbags, footwear, and undergarments.

  • Feel confident in recreating each outfit by mixing and matching.

You will walk away with intangible benefits too!

  • Confidence, excitement, and the experience of feeling beautiful and put together.

  • The knowledge that there are no specific rules, only those actions that please you and that are effective.

  • Wardrobe and styling freedom. You will know exactly what to do!

How it Works:

This 2 1/2-hour service is fun, easy, empowering, and can be done in-person or virtually.

Investment: $297

Disclaimer: If extra travel is required, there is an additional $75 expense fee. Payment is required upfront.

Let’s do this!

Email Me:

Call: 201-575-2626


6 Style Tips for Winter for Women over 45


Unlocking the Secret to Your Best Colors: A Guide to a Radiant Wardrobe